What Will They Say When You’re Gone?


 I suffered panic attacks when my mother-in-law came to visit.

She was a perfect housekeeper and I wasn’t. Of course she had only had ONE child, and I had seven. 

I’d always put my kid’s emotional needs first. The house could wait. But she never quite understood that, and I could always feel her judging me for it.

One day, in a moment of inspiration, this came to me:


 Around Halloween that year I gave a talk to a Middle School youth group.

I told them about my predicament and showed them the joke.

I asked, “I wonder if we died today, what people would remember about us?”

I showed several cardboard tombstone ‘cutouts’ with sayings on them:

“He was Good at Video Games “

“She had lots of friends”

“She was Pretty”

“He was Tough”

Then I showed them a photo of a beautiful young lady and asked if they knew her.  They all said they didn’t know.

“Actually you do know her,”  and I revealed it was Wilda, the elderly receptionist in the front office.

They were shocked.

One girl said,

“I LOVE WILDA! But I never knew she was so pretty once!”

So I asked. “Why do you like Wilda so much?”

“Because she’s so nice.”

The other kids agreed.

Next, holding up a blank tombstone, I said,

“Maybe it’s a good idea to think of the end from the beginning.

What do you want people to remember about YOU after you are gone?”

They all got the message –  that externals don’t last.

But that’s not the most important part.

Ruth and Wilda, my second ‘mom’.

The kids appreciated Wilda a lot more the next time they went to the office. 

A few years later she went home to be with her Lord.

But she left a mark on all who knew her:

She showed us that LIFE IS PRECIOUS. 

WHY? Because she made us feel we were.


You never know when we will be ushered into eternity.

I like what John Jolliffe said:

“The way you feel about yourself is both your punishment and your reward. YOUR job is to become the kind of person YOU can love.”

I’m doing the best I can before I ‘croak!’



PS – Incidentally – if you know someone who loves art –  there’s still time to get a complimentary copy of “SEE WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING AT!” my Art Textbook for Children. Just fill out the form on this page: http://www.edudesigns.org/blog/artbook/

And please leave a review of the work our non-profit is doing for kids!

I appreciate it so much!


Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon 
Founder of EDU DESIGNS 
Creator: GoMommyGO®