Do you ever find yourself running out of ‘love juice’? When my kids were little, even if I started with a full pitcher of love in the morning, sometimes by the end of the day the pitcher would be dry.
There was a pattern. When we were all tired and hungry, frustration could get the better of me. Didn’t have dinner ready by 5 o’clock? It became ‘the witching hour’ and the kids would go bats – whine, cry or fight with each other – drive me crazy, which always got in the way of fixing dinner. It took all my self-control not to yell and to remember what’s really important. There were times I’d run to our bathroom, shut the door, take a deep breath, and cry out, “GOD! HELP ME get through this!”
Beware of running on empty!
What I needed was a ‘refill’ – something for myself – so I’d have something to give those who were most important to me.
Change the pattern.
I began planning to have dinner ready each day before the kids went nuts. For me, a cup of coffee in the afternoon made all the difference, plus a reminder or two on the wall.
I’ve made this special illustration to remind you to take care of yourself, so you can take care of those you love. You can download a high resolution pdf when you make a donation of any size.
Print it up and put it on the wall where you will see it every day. Let it help you, as it helped me, be inspired.
My warmest thanks,
Thank you!
Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon, Director, EDU DESIGNS
P.S. When YOU are crying for,”HELP!”, these extra tips can really help! Read More…
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