Before I had kids, I thought I knew all about child rearing.
Sound familiar?
After they started coming along however, all pride went out the window and humility took it’s place.
It’s been almost half a century since my first darling baby (of seven) was born. Along the way there were seven thousand challenges to learn from, and approximately 36,000 diapers to change.
I read so many books that claimed to have the answer to ‘this’ problem or ‘that’ problem, but only addressed a certain type of child with a particular temperament. I would think to myself, “Well, that might work in their situation, but MY kid is different!”
It was the actual experience of raising my seven kids that gave me a broader insight into what works and what doesn’t work.
Each time I found another solution to a new dilemma, I’d think, “Why didn’t anyone tell me this in the first place? Somebody should be sharing it with other parents so they won’t have to make the same mistakes I did!”
Well, finally someone did come along after my kids grew up: ME!
Now I am putting my wisdom, insight and cartoons (remember, I was an animator for 27 years?) from decades of hands-on experience in real life parenting into a book to share with you.
But I want to make sure it addresses your problems.
I know there are struggles you deal with that are specific to you, so I’ve created a short survey to help me target those areas that are most needed.
Will you share the things YOU struggle with?
It should only take a minute or two to complete.
I want my book to address YOUR concerns.
Will you fill out my short survey?
If you do, you will be the first to get an advance review copy of my new book as soon as it’s ready. It will be yours for free.
Here’s my survey!
Thank you for your time and caring!
Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon
Founder/Director of EDU DESIGNS; Creator of GoMommyGO®
Since 2007 EDU DESIGNS has been creating media for children’s character development.
GoMommyGO® is the registered trademark of EDU DESIGNS.
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